How to Plan a Social Engineering Assessment

Social engineering is the act of manipulating people into disclosing confidential information or performing actions that may be harmful to them or their organization. It’s a type of attack that takes advantage of human gullibility and natural tendencies to trust others, and it’s becoming increasingly common as organizations put more emphasis on security. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself and your organization from such attacks. In this blog post, we will explore how to plan a social engineering assessment for your business. By identifying potential vulnerabilities and implementing countermeasures, you can keep your data and systems safe from nefarious actors.

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What is social engineering?

Social engineering is the process of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. It is a type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access.

The goal of social engineering is to exploit human weaknesses to obtain sensitive information or access to systems and facilities. The attacker uses psychological techniques to obtain personal information such as passwords or PINs from the victim. Attackers can also use social engineering to gain physical access to buildings or systems.

Social engineering attacks are becoming more common as organizations increasingly rely on technology. The rise in social media has made it easier for attackers to gather information about their targets. This information can be used to create targeted attacks that are difficult to defend against.

Organizations need to be aware of the threat posed by social engineering and take steps to protect themselves. Employees should be trained on how to identify and avoid social engineering attacks. Organizations should also have policies and procedures in place to deal with these types of attacks when they occur.

Why plan a social engineering assessment?

There are many reasons to plan a social engineering assessment. Perhaps you suspect that your organization is vulnerable to social engineering attacks and want to test your employees’ susceptibility. Maybe you’ve already experienced a successful social engineering attack and want to prevent future ones. Or maybe you simply want to raise awareness of social engineering threats and educate your employees on how to protect themselves.

Whatever your reason, a social engineering assessment can be a valuable tool for protecting your organization against this type of threat. Here are some tips on how to plan one:

1. Define your goals. What do you hope to achieve with your assessment? This will help you determine the scope and focus of your testing.

2. Choose a reputable firm. Social engineering is a sensitive topic, so it’s important to work with a reputable firm that has experience conducting these types of assessments.

3. Determine who will be tested. Will all employees be included, or just those in certain departments or positions?

4. Develop realistic scenarios. The goal is to simulate real-world attacks, so make sure the scenarios you develop are realistic and believable.

5. Educate employees in advance. Letting employees know that they may be contacted as part of the assessment will help reduce anxiety and ensure that the results are accurate.

Who should be involved in planning a social engineering assessment?

When planning a social engineering assessment, it is important to involve individuals from various departments within your organization. This will ensure that the assessment is comprehensive and covers all possible attack vectors.

Ideally, the team planning the assessment should include representatives from the following departments:

-IT security
-Human resources

Each of these departments brings a unique perspective to the table and can help identify potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by social engineering attacks. Including them in the planning process will help create a more robust and effective assessment.

What are the steps involved in planning a social engineering assessment?

1. Define the goals and objectives of the assessment.

2. Identify the type of social engineering attack that would be most effective against your organization.

3. Research your organization’s vulnerabilities and potential targets.

4. Develop a plan of attack that takes into account your findings from steps 2 and 3.

5. Execute the plan and document the results.

How to conduct a social engineering assessment

When conducting a social engineering assessment, it is important to consider the following:

1. Who are your targets?

Your targets should be individuals or groups who are likely to be susceptible to social engineering attacks. This may include employees of your organization, customers, or other third parties.

2. What type of information are you looking for?

The goal of a social engineering assessment is to gather information that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities. This may include sensitive data such as passwords, financial information, or personal data.

3. How will you collect this information?

There are a variety of methods that can be used to collect information during a social engineering assessment. This may include phishing attacks, pretexting, or physical infiltration.

4. How will you use this information?

Once the information has been collected, it can be used to launch targeted attacks against your organization or individuals within it. This may include stealing money from accounts, gaining access to sensitive data, or causing reputational damage.

How to debrief after a social engineering assessment

Once the social engineering assessment is complete, it is important to debrief with all stakeholders. This includes the customer, management, and the security team. The debrief should include a review of what went well and what could be improved. It should also include a review of the findings and recommendations.


A social engineering assessment can be an invaluable tool for assessing the effectiveness of your security measures. By simulating a real-world attack, you can see how well your employees are prepared to handle a potential threat and identify any weaknesses in your system. With proper planning, a social engineering assessment can help you ensure that your business is as secure as possible.


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